Amesbury is situated on the River Avon and claims to be the oldest occupied town in the UK with the lands around the town being settled since prehistoric times. King Alfred the Great left Amesbury in his will to his son. There's a copy of the will in the British Library is you don't believe it!

Welcome to Amesbury, one of Wiltshire's most attractive towns, and 'the home of Stonehenge'! Before you head for the main attraction, why not pop into St Mary and St Melor Abbey Church (Church Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire SP4 7EU). It has Norman origins, and is an early example of a cruciform church (that is, built in a crucifix shape).

There has been an Abbey in this area for over 1,000 years, and a stunning classical mansion called Amesbury Abbey stands on the original site in 35 areas of parkland. It's now a private nursing home, and not a bad little pad to retire to. The estate is open to the public twice a year so that they can view the Chinese Summerhouse designed by Sir William Chambers, who also created the Pagoda at Kew. If you'd like to make an appointment to see the grounds, please call 01980 622 957
Pictures courtesy of Visit Salisbury and copyright of Bryn Jones
Website: Visit Wiltshire
Directions from A303: Come off the A303 at the Solstice Park Services turn off and follow the signs into town.
For more information on Amesbury: Contact the Amesbury Community & Visitor Centre
Address: 9 Flower Lane, Amesbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 7JE
Telephone: 01980 622525
Website: Amesbury Community & Visitor Centre
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Amesbury Tours
Staying in London? Then take a private chauffeur-driven tour to Amesbury. Get picked up from London and see other great UK attractions on the way as well as the ancient monument of Stonehenge.