As well as having a flutter, you can also get married here, or host a conference, ball or summer party. The venue can accommodate up to 1,800 guests, so you should be able to squeeze all your mates in.
Ascot Racecourse

Giddy up! This is perhaps the best-known racecourse in the country, with horse racing held throughout the year. The most spectacular event is Royal Ascot in June, when the ladies' hats tend to overshadow the horses... sometimes quite literally. The racecourse is set within the beautiful surroundings of Windsor Great Park.

Address: Enquiry Office, Ascot Racecourse, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7JX
Ticket booking line: 0344 346 3000
Email: Send email
Website: Ascot
Directions from M3: Exit at Junction 3 onto the A332. Follow signs to Bracknell and then the signs to Ascot.
Admission times: See website for details
Admission charge: See website for details
Toilets: Yes
Refreshments: Yes
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