Danebury Hill Fort
Danebury Iron Age hill fort is 2,500 years old. It's a Scheduled Ancient Monument, a Site of Special Scientific Interest... and a great place for kite flying!
The fort was occupied for 500 years, until Roman times. The area was a focal point for religious gatherings and important meetings. It's one of the most studied hill forts in Europe. You can discover more and see some of the finds at the Museum of the Iron Age in Andover.
Address: Danebury Iron Age Hillfort, Stockbridge, Hampshire SO20 6HZ
Telephone: 01962 860948
Email: Send email
Website: Danebury Hill Fort
Directions from A303: Exit on the A343, heading towards Salisbury. Danebury is 4km north west of Stockbridge (sign posted from Nether Wallop near Stockbridge).
Admission charge: Free
Toilets: Yes
Refreshments: No
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